Theme Helpcenter


Featured collections



The Featured Collections section enables you to showcase your curated collections in a visually appealing layout, allowing visitors to explore and discover your products effortlessly.

General Settings

Choose between two layout options to display your featured collections::

Layout 1


Layout 2


Heading: Enter a title to introduce your featured collections, e.g., "Our Collections."

Subheading: Add a brief description to encourage visitors to explore further, e.g., "Explore our collections."

Button Label: Optionally, add a button label to prompt users to explore all collections, e.g., "Explore All." Leave empty to hide the button.

Button Link: Provide the URL link to the page containing all collections. For example, you can link it to the "All Collections" page.

Button Style: Filled, Outlined, Text

Note: The featured collections section can be added below the collection page's page banner as a "Card collage":

image (1).png

Collection card

Card Layout: Collection / Product / Text

Card Style: Normal / Compact

Image aspect ratio: Auto / 1:1 / 3:4 / 4:5

Content Alignment: Start / Center

Collection title style: Single text / Text with arrow icon

Collection product count: Hide / Show / Show with border


Slides per view: between 1 and 12

Slides per view for mobile: between 1 and 4

Show carousel arrows: On / Off

Slideshow center alignment: On / Off

Enable slideshow overflow: On / Off

Collection Slide

How to: The featured collections can be added by clicking on the "Add collection slide" button from beneath the "Featured collection."

Collection Slide Customization Options

Link a collection: Choose between your collections

Image: If none is assigned, the image is pulled from the backend of the Shopify admin / if assigned, it will overwrite the collection image from the backend.

Heading: Add a heading for your collection or connect dynamic source to get the collection title automatically

Heading Sizes

XS: Extra Small heading size. S: Small heading size. M: Medium heading size. L: Large heading size.

Subheading: Text box that can be used to personalize a subheading

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