Trust Indicators
The Trust Indicators section allows you to display trust-building elements on your website, enhancing credibility and fostering trust with your audience. Whether it's showcasing customer testimonials, industry certifications, or security badges, trust indicators help reassure visitors and encourage engagement.

General Settings:
Swipe on Mobile On / Off
Autoplay Interval: Set to 0 to disable autoplay
Content of blocks:
Direction: Horizontal / Vertical
Alignment: Start / Center / End
Size: Small / Medium / Large
Color scheme for blocks: Set your desired color scheme for your trust indicator blocks
Indicator Settings:
Title Text box used to highlight the purpose of the trust indicators
Link Label Assign a label text to the link for each trust indicator. You can leave it empty to hide the button/link
Link Used to assign a URL to which the customer will be redirected to
Icon Select an icon for the trust indicator
Custom Icon Gives you the option to upload a custom icon. This can either be one provided by your designers or you can use the ones available in the Icons section of the documentation
Note: You can redirect to the custom icons page by clicking here
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